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Cancelation and Payment
Cancelation and Payment
Cancellation & Termination
Customers must notify InfotoIntell of their intent to terminate prepaid services at least 60 calendar days before the billing renewal date. If notice is not received before such date, such services will automatically renew for the subsequent renewal period.
InfotoIntell will cease providing customers with the services and customers will no longer be able to access customer’s account; customer’s store website will be taken offline.
InfotoIntell doesn’t offer refund on cancellation.
Customer may cancel Customer’s account at any time by emailing
Customer may downgrade the plan at any time. However the downgrade becomes effective at the end of the billing cycle.
Payment Terms
Billing Policies and Cycles, the billing cycle begins on the day the customer makes the payment (the "Payment Date") and is due on that day each month, and renewed automatically.
Payment, a valid credit card is required for accounts to process payment. InfotoIntell will automatically charge customer's credit card each month, until customer validly terminates the services. Fees for prepaid sServices are based on the purchased services, regardless of actual usage and payments made for such services are
non-refundable. InfotoIntell does not provide refunds or credits for any partial days, months or years and does not provide refunds to customers who do not use their accounts or log in
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